Who We Are
The Infocomm Media Development Authority (IMDA) is a statutory board in the Singapore government. IMDA is the driving force behind Singapore's digital transformation efforts, building the foundations of its digital infrastructure and driving digital innovation.
In 2019, IMDA launched TradeTrust, a framework that standardises digital trade with enhanced security and legal certainty for the international trade ecosystem.
Designed to enable the secure and seamless transaction and processing of digital trade documents, TradeTrust aims to make international trade safer, faster, easier, and more cost-effective.
To enable everyone to confidently trade with anyone, anywhere.
To make international trade more secure, efficient, and accessible for everyone by providing a globally-harmonised and inclusive framework. TradeTrust achieves this by promoting trust, efficiency, and inclusivity in digital trade practices.
Offered as a digital utility to all, TradeTrust is open-source so that all parties can easily adopt it for free and build upon it, benefiting business ecosystems.
Transform the way you trade - subscribe to our TradeTrust newsletter for exclusive insights.
More about IMDA
IMDA is a statutory board in the Singapore government. IMDA develops and regulates the infocomm and media sectors to create a dynamic, holistic and exciting ecosystem filled with growth opportunities through talent, research, innovation and enterprise. As Architects of Singapore’s Digital Future, we strive to ensure businesses, the workforce and the public are ready for a future enabled by infocomm and digital media. Digital utilities are foundational digital services provided by the IMDA, which enable our citizens and businesses to transact seamlessly in a trusted and secure way in the digital economy, promoting seamless compatibility, while fostering beneficial network effects. In addition to TradeTrust, another key digital utility is InvoiceNow.